November 2013 - News and Events

Chord Diagram – Graphing Call Distributions by Country Using 3D.js

Using Chord Diagram on VoIP interconnections! When dealing with VoIP interconnections, you need to analyse the inbound and outbound call traffic from and to various countries for constantly negotiating termination fees you might receive from your peering partners and origination fees you have to pay for. Having an overview of your most common origination and…

Sip:provider v3.1 Is Now Available!

Sipwise released Sip:provider v3.1 – the latest version of its open-source platform! We are excited to announce the general availability of Sip:provider v3.1, CE and PRO, which provide strong improvements of the current 3.x product line! What is the Sip:provider platform? The Sipwise Sip:provider platform is a highly versatile open source based VoIP softswitch for ISPs…