In order to comply with the Lawful Interception requirements of your operating country, Group 2000 provides a full suite of Lawful Interception solutions which can be integrated in a fast and cost-efficient way with the Sipwise C5 softswitch.

  • SIPWISE C5 & GROUP 2000

In many markets lawful interception is an obligatory requirement for telecom providers, which in most cases does not generate revenue. For that reason Sipwise in cooperation with Group 2000 is helping our customers to deploy and operate a cost efficient LI solution which fits all their requirements.

LIMA Lawful Intercept is Group 2000’s modular and scalable solution for Lawful Interception. It consists of a central LIMA Management System which provides the ADMF function, LIMA Mediator which provides the MDF2 and MDF3 functions, LIMA CC-PAG for cost-optimization by UPF offloading and LIMA passive Monitors as required for the network


LIMA Lawful Intercept supports various deployment options ranging from deployment on standard COTS hardware to deployment on virtual machines in the carrier’s private cloud or as deployment in a micro-services architecture as provided with the cloud native 5G core architecture. With the latter, carriers will benefit from cost reduction, rapid deployment and N+K scalability and high availability.

  • Unified LI Management and control for all types of traffic and networks
  • Covers heterogeneous networks, multiple service providers, multiple countries
  • Interfaces directly to network elements or third party LI equipment
  • User friendly, web based operator interface
  • Provides real-time status overview
  • Centralized operational information like alarms and traffic information
  • Management reporting functionality
  • Supports large amounts of interception on a single 1U x86-based server
  • Multilingual interface
  • Purpose-built for regulatory services
  • Future proof through its plug-in architecture providing unlimited extensibility
  • High availability support
  • Handles interception events (IRI data or CDC) from a broad range of sources
  • Handles intercepted data (CC or CCC) according to a variety of standards and proprietary protocols
  • Supports a wide range of handover interfaces
  • Supports buffering and archiving for data preservation at connection loss to MC
  • IDR records provide an exact audit trail of handled traffic
  • Conversion and transcoding for PS <-> CS translation
  • Layer-3 and layer-4 black- / whitelist filtering
  • Supported handover standards:
    • ETSI TS 102 232-x, ETSI TS103 120 ETSI TS 133 108, ETSI TS 201 671, including various country specific implementations like ETSI-IP. nl, TR-TKÜV, etc.
    • CALEA T1.678 DSR, J-STD-025-B, etc.

Everything you might want to know about LI