“Everybody working at Sipwise operations is very excited about the ease and fluency of migrating platforms. With every successful service delivery, we only admire our flagship product more: Sipwise C5 — carrier-grade VoIP Softswitch”, the Sipwise Operations team states.
“Not so long ago, we migrated production VoIP services from Sipwise C5 Pro to C5 Carrier (more powerful and scaleable version) platforms”, says Head of Operations Daniel Grotti. Below, the Sipwise Ops team explains how the migration was executed.
How did the Sipwise C5 Pro to C5 Carrier migration happen?
Both platforms have the same structure: the same OS and processes running, the similar configuration of components, however the architecture is different:
The Sipwise C5 Pro has only two physical servers running in Active-StandBy mode (both servers have the same services, but they run only on the active server).

The 5 Steps for migration of production services:
- IP addresses swap preparation
- Database copy to the new platform
- IP addresses swap
- Basic functionality tests
- Copy of additional data from the old platform (CDR delta as the old platform had subscriber calls while the DB was copied already, etc.)
Most of the time, the teams waited until the huge database gets copied. Also, the customer performed comprehensive tests within an hour to ensure that the service worked fine on the new platform and no roll-back (that would have taken a few minutes to swap the IP addresses back) was necessary.
Similarly, the Sipwise Professional Services department migrates data and services from old hardware to the new hardware and even from old releases to the new ones (with database schema and data update).
“We love how the Sipwise C5 can be deployed, configured, maintained and even migrated in a secure, straightforward and reliable way”, concludes the Sipwise Operations Team.
About Sipwise
Sipwise’s unified communication platforms are targeted at fixed, converged and wireless service providers supporting a variety of access technologies like mobile radio, Cable, xDSL, FTTx, WiFi and WiMAX.
With years of expertise in VoIP and UC solutions, Sipwise works with clients all over the world and is supporting over 100 commercial deployments by MNOs, MVNOs, Telcos, cable network providers, utilities and “Over-the-Top”- operators.