Category: Technical - News and Events

Sip:Provider as a Cloud PBX Solution

A cloud PBX is a PBX serving an office or a company, not located inside them but somewhere out there. It’s delivered as a hosted service, typically by telephone companies. No hardware for end customers, only phones. With the Sipwise’s Sip:Provider PRO, a VoIP ISP can easily provide such feature to his end customers, in…

Tips&Tricks: How to use Serial Forking based on q-value with Sip:Provider

Sipwise Sip:Provider (aka NGCP) allows you to register multiple devices under the same subscriber. By the default the maximum number of device you can register is 5, and this value is configurable via config.yml. If a customer registers multiple devices, NGCP – once receives a call for that user – just send the call to…

Securing your NGCP against SIP attacks

Sipwise Sip:Provider mr3.5.1 allows you to protect your VoIP system against SIP attacks, in particular Denial of Service and brute-force attacks. Let’s go through each of those attacks and let´s see how to configure your system in order to face such situations and react against them. We are going see, as well, how increase your…

Watching TV over WebRTC

We’ve seen quite a lot of interesting use cases for WebRTC, from plain P2P communication and multi-party video conferencing to server-side gesture detection etc. What doesn’t seem to be explored so much is media streaming from the server to clients, like live streaming and video-on-demand. Now media streaming is nothing new in the web (you…

Sipwise „plug & play“ NGN Interconnect

Easy and hassle-free NGN interconnect. Sipwise has successfully introduced its “NGN in a box” solution providing cost effective and simple access to Deutsche Telekom’s new SIP-based NGN interconnect N-ICA. The high degree of virtualization deployed with the Sipwise solution ensures high availability while meeting the demands of active-active SBC operations and load balancing across the…

Graphing Call Distributions by Country using 3D.js

When dealing with VoIP interconnections, you need to analyze the inbound and outbound call traffic from and to various countries for constantly negotiating termination fees you might receive from your peering partners, and origination fees you have to pay for. Having an overview of your most common origination and termination countries significantly helps with figuring…

Build your own VoIP System – Part 3: the sip:provider as an SBC

In Part 1 of our series “Build your own VoIP System” we learned about the very basics of how VoIP and SIP in particular works. In Part 2 the setup of a Skype-like service was explained. This is Part 3, where you will learn how to protect existing VoIP deployments with the sip:provider acting as…

Build your own VoIP System – Part 2: An open Skype Replacement

In Part 1 of our series “Build your own VoIP System” we learned about the very basics of how VoIP and SIP in particular works. This is Part 2, describing the process of setting up a Skype-like service using the sip:providerCE. In Part 3 you will learn how to protect existing VoIP deployments with the…

Skype and how SIP is catching up

Why Skype is successful Since Skype came out in late 2003, it has always been seen as the ultimate communication solution, because it “just worked” for end-customers. The reason for that is on one hand the dead-simple way to get started for end-users (signing up is tightly integrated into the client), and on the other…

SIP Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Operating a VoIP system with a focus on great customer experience can be quite challenging, especially if you run a heterogeneous network with lots of different SIP clients (like various software clients, all kinds of SIP Phones and Terminal Adapters and especially IP PBXs). SIP clients are known to have all kinds of quirks and…